Howe, E., Suh, J., Bin Morshed, M., McDuff, D., Rowan, K., Hernandez, J., Abdin, M. I., Ramos, G., Tran, T., & Czerwinski, M. P. (2022). Design of Digital Workplace Stress-Reduction Intervention Systems: Effects of Intervention Type and Timing. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 16, 1-16.
Liu, T., Hernandez, J., Gonzalez, M., Maselli, A., Kneisel, M., Glass, A., Chudge, J., & Miller, A. (2022). Characterizing and Predicting Engagement of Blind and Low-Vision People with an Audio-Based Navigation App; Characterizing and Predicting Engagement of Blind and Low-Vision People with an Audio-Based Navigation App. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-7.
| 2021
Samrose, S., McDuff, D., Sim, R., Suh, J., Rowan, K., Hernandez, J., Rintel, S., Moynihan, K., & Czerwinski, M. (2021). MeetingCoach: An intelligent dashboard for supporting efective and inclusive meetings. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 1-13.
Murali, P., Hernandez, J., McDuff, D., Rowan, K., Suh, J., & Czerwinski, M. (2021). AffectiveSpotlight: Facilitating the communication of affective responses from audience members during online presentations. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings.
Czerwinski, M., Hernandez, J., & McDuff, D. (2021). Building an AI That Feels: AI systems with emotional intelligence could learn faster and be more helpful. IEEE Spectrum, 58(5), 32-38.
Hernandez, J., Lovejoy, J., Mcduff, D., Suh, J., Ofbrien, T., Sethumadhavan, A., Greene, G., Picard, R., & Czerwinski, M. (2021). Guidelines for Assessing and Minimizing Risks of Emotion Recognition Applications. 2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2021.
| 2020
Zepf, S., Hernandez, J., Schmitt, A., Minker, W., & Picard, R. W. (2020). Driver Emotion Recognition for Intelligent Vehicles: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 53(3).
Zepf, S., El Haouij, N., Minker, W., Hernandez, J., & Picard, R. W. (2020). EmpathicGPS: Exploring the role of voice tonality in navigation systems during simulated driving. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings.
Zepf, S., El Haouij, N., Lee, J., Ghandeharioun, A., Hernandez, J., & Picard, R. W. (2020). Studying Personalized Just-in-time Auditory Breathing Guides and Potential Safety Implications during Simulated Driving. UMAP 2020 - Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 275-283.
Ali, M. R., Hernandez, J., Ray Dorsey, E., Hoque, E., & McDuff, D. (2020). Spatio-Temporal Attention and Magnification for Classification of Parkinsonfs Disease from Videos Collected via the Internet. Proceedings - 2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2020, 207-214.
| 2019
Kosmyna N., Morris C., Nguyen T., Zepf S., Hernandez J., and Maes P. AttentivU: Designing EEG and EOG Compatible Glasses for Physiological Sensing and Feedback in the Car. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, 2019. [paper]. Honorable mention award
Zepf S., Dittrich M., Hernandez J., Schmitt A. Towards Empathetic Car Interfaces: Emotional Triggers while Driving. In the Late Breaking Work of Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019. [paper]
| 2018
Hernandez J., McDuff D., Quigley K., Maes P., and Picard R.
Wearable Motion-based Heart-rate at Rest: A Workplace Evaluation.
Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2018. [paper]
Chen W., Hernandez J., and Picard R.
Estimating Carotid Pulse and Breathing Rate from Near-Infrared Video of the Neck.
Journal of Physiological Measurement, 2018. [paper]
Rudovic, O., Utsumi, Y., Lee, J., Hernandez J., Castello Ferrer, E., Schuller, B., Picard, R.
CultureNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Engagement Intensity Estimation from Face Images of Children with Autism.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018). [paper]
Dementyev A., Hernandez J., Choi I., Follmer S., Paradiso J.
Epidermal Robots: Wearable Sensors that Climb on the Skin.
In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2 (3), September 2018. [paper] Distinguished best paper award
Exposito, M., Hernandez J., Picard, R.
Affective Keys: Towards Unobtrusive Stress Sensing of Smartphone Users
In Proceedings of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2018. [paper]
Amores, J., Hernandez J., Dementyev, A., Wang, X., Maes, P.
BioEssence: A Wearable Olfactory Display that Monitors Cardio-respiratory Information to Support Mental Wellbeing.
Proceedings of the International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2018. [paper]
| 2017
Hernandez J., Ferguson C., Sano A., Chen W., Weihui L., Yeung A. and Picard R.
Stress Measurement from Tongue Color Imaging.
International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), San Antonio, Texas, October 2017. [paper]
Dementyev A., Hernandez J., Follmer S., Choi I., and Paradiso J.
SkinBot: A Wearable Skin Climbing Robot.
ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, October 2017. [paper]
Hai-Chi P. H., Smuts C., Markus A., and Hernandez J.
Ant-Based Modeling: Agent-Based City Simulation with Ants.
In Proceedings of CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017. [paper, video]
| 2016
Hernandez J., McDuff, D., Infante, C., Maes, P., Quigley, K., and Picard, R. W.
Wearable ESM: Comparing the Wearable Experience Sampling Method across Wearable Devices.
In Proceedings of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, Florence, Italy, September 2016. [paper, slides]. Honorable mention award 
McDuff, D., Hernandez J., Gontarek, S., and Picard, R. W.
COGCAM: Contact-free Measurement of Cognitive Stress During Computer Tasks with a Digital Camera.
In Proceedings of the Computer and Human Interaction Conference (CHI), San Jose, California, May 2016. [paper]. Honorable mention award 
| 2015
Hernandez J.
Towards Wearable Stress Measurement.
Ph.D. Thesis in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015. [paper].
Hernandez J., McDuff, D., and Picard, R. W.
BioPhone: Physiology Monitoring from Peripheral Smartphone Motions.
In the Proceedings of International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Milan, Italy, August 2015 [paper]. Open finalist of best student paper award 
Hernandez J., McDuff, D., and Picard, R. W.
BioInsights: Extracting Personal Data from "Still" Wearable Motion Sensors.
In the Proceedings of Body Sensor Networks, Cambridge, USA, June 2015 [paper]. Best poster award 
Hernandez J., McDuff, D., and Picard, R. W.
BioWatch: Estimation of Heart and Breathing Rates from Wrist Motions.
In EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 15(3): e1.[paper]. Nominated for best paper award 
Hernandez J., Li, Y., Rehg, J. and Picard, R. W.
Cardiac and Respiratory Parameter Estimation Using Head-mounted Motion-sensitive Sensors.
In EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, Special Issue on Mobile and Wireless Technologies for Healthcare, 2015 [paper].
| 2014
Hernandez J., Li Y., Rehg J., and Picard R. W.
BioGlass: Physiological Parameter Estimation Using a Head-mounted Wearable Device.
In International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, 2014 [paper, poster, website]. Best student paper award 
Hernandez J., Picard R. W.
SenseGlass: Using Google Glass to Sense Daily Emotions.
In ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium, 2014 [paper, poster].
Hernandez J., Riobo I., Rozga A., Abowd G. D., Picard R. W.
Using Electrodermal Activity to Recognize Ease of Engagement in Children during Social Interactions.
In International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 2014 [paper, slides].
Hernandez J., McDuff D., Benavides X., Amores J., Maes P., and Picard R. W.
AutoEmotive: Bringing Empathy to the Driving Experience to Manage Stress.
Work-in-progress/provocative work in Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Vancouver, Canada 2014 [paper, video].
Paredes P., Gilad-Bachrach R., Czerwinski M., Roseway A., Rowan K., and Hernandez J.
PopTherapy: Coping with Stress through Pop-Culture.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies for Healthcare, Oldenburg, Germany 2014 [paper, video].
Hernandez J., Riobo I., Rozga A., Abowd G. D., Picard R. W.
How Easy Are Children to Engage during Child-Adult Play? Using Electrodermal Activity as Identifier.
In the Extended Abstract of IMFAR, Alanta, USA, 2014 [abstract, poster].
Riobo I., Parnami A., Hernandez J., Abowd G. D.
G.L.I.M.: Glass Live Interaction Monitor Live Internal State Interaction Monitor using Google Glass + EDA.
In the Extended Abstract of IMFAR, Alanta, USA, 2014 [abstract, poster].
Hernandez J., Paredes P., Roseway A., and Czerwinski M.
Under Pressure: Sensing Stress of Computer Users.
In Proceedings for the Computer and Human Interaction Conference (CHI), Toronto, Canada 2014 [paper, slides].
| 2013
Zisook M., Hernandez J., Goodwin M.S., and Picard R. W.
Enabling Visual Exploration of Long-term Physiological Data.
In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology [paper].
Hernandez J., Sano A., Zisook M., Deprey J., Goodwin M., Picard R. W.
Analysis and Visualization of Longitudinal Physiological Data of Children with ASD.
In the Extended Abstract of IMFAR 2013 [abstract, poster].
Hernandez J., Zicheng L., Hulten G., DeBarr D., Krum K., Zhang Z.
Measuring the Engagement Level of TV Viewers.
In the 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2013.(oral presentation) [paper].
Hernandez J., McDuff D., Fletcher R., Picard, R. W.
Inside-Out: Reflecting on your Inner State.
Work-in-progress in Pervasive Computing 2013 [paper].
| 2012
Hernandez J., Hoque M. H., Drevo W., and Picard, R. W.
Mood Meter: Counting Smiles in the Wild.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing 2012 (oral presentation) [paper].
Hernandez J., Sano A., Deprey J., Eckhardt M., Goodwin M.S., and Picard, R.W.
Multimodal Annotation Tool for Challenging Behaviors in People with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation at the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing 2012 [paper].
Hernandez J., Hoque M. E., and Picard R. W.
Mood Meter: Large-Scale and Long-Term Smile Monitoring System.
In the ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies 2012 [paper].
Hernandez J., Sano A., Goodwin M. S., and Picard R. W.
AMA, an application for Annotation, Monitoring, and Analysis of behavioral activity.
In the Extended Abstract of the International Meeting for Autism Research 2012 [paper].
Ayzenberg Y., Hernandez J., and Picard R. W.
FEEL: Frequent EDA and Event Logging, a Mobile Social Interaction Stress Monitoring System.
In the Extended Abstract of Computer-Human Interaction 2012 [paper].
| Earlier
Hernandez J., Morris R., and Picard R. W.
Call Center Stress Recognition with Person-Specific Models. In Proceedings of the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2011 (oral presentation) [paper].
Thurston R., Hernandez J., Del Rio J., and De la Torre F.
Support Vector Machines to improve physiologic hot flash measures: Applications to the ambulatory setting.
In the International Journal of the Society for Psychophysiological Research 2011 [paper].
Hernandez J., Harchaoui Z., and De la Torre F.
Instance-selecting regularization penalty for supervised image classifcation. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-10-42, 2010 [paper].
Thurston R., Karen K., Hernandez J., and De la Torre F.
Improving the performance of physiologic hot flash measures with Support Vector Machines.
In the International Journal of the Society for Psychophysiological Research 2009 [paper].